
ONE WEEK: Customer and Value Propositions

Edmund Pendleton: Workshop on March 7, 12-1 pm ACAD/THTR 139

We're excited to be kicking off our Spring Entrepreneurship Workshop Series! Come join us for a discussion with Edmund Pendleton in one week and listen to his tips on finding and understanding...

Posted: March 1, 2016, 2:36 PM

TOMORROW: Start-Ups are Hard Work

Greg Vetter Speaker Series: March 2, 2016 - 12-1 pm, UC 310

Reminder that the first Speaker Series and event of the semester is tomorrow, Wednesday March 2 during free-hour. We look forward to seeing you there! You hear a lot about the Start-Up process,...

Posted: March 1, 2016, 1:13 PM

ONE DAY LEFT to Apply to CBIC!!

CBIC Deadline is THIS WEDNESDAY - Top Prize is $5K!

This Wednesday is the deadline to apply to the Cangialosi Business  Innovation Competition! You only have one day left! Don't miss this chance to win $5,000 to help you launch your business idea....

Posted: February 29, 2016, 11:04 PM

LAST WEEK to Apply to CBIC!!

CBIC Deadline is in ONE WEEK (March 2) - Top Prize is $5K!

 There is only one week left to apply to the Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition! The deadline is next Wednesday, on March 2.  Don't be hesitant or shy with your ideas; if you have...

Posted: February 23, 2016, 11:27 PM

LightCityU is looking for Volunteers!

Volunteer for Light City Baltimore b/w March 28 - April 3!

The International Light City Festival is coming to Baltimore for the first time ever! The week-long LightCityU will take place between March 28 - April 3 throughout the city of Baltimore. The...

Posted: February 19, 2016, 10:00 AM

CBIC Applications due in TWO WEEKS!!

CBIC Deadline is March 2 - Top Prize is $5K!

The due date for applications for the Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition is fast approaching!  If you're interested in launching a business or idea, but need funding, feedback and...

Posted: February 18, 2016, 4:19 PM

Spring 2016 Entrepreneurship events coming up!!

Mark your calendar for one or more ENTR Spring Event!

The Alex Brown Center for Entrepreneurship is booked for a semester of killer events and we want to see you there! The annual Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition, the Entrepreneurs Panel...

Posted: February 8, 2016, 3:27 PM

CBIC applications due in exactly ONE month!

CBIC Deadline is March 2 - Top Prize is $5K!

 Applications for the annual Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition are  due on March 2, 2016 by 5:00PM. Don't miss this opportunity!  UMBC's very own Shark Tank, The Cangialosi Business...

Posted: February 5, 2016, 8:26 AM

Welcome Back!

My name is Sahar and I'll be your new Amanda...

We're really excited to welcome everybody back (safe and sound with minimum shoveling pains, we hope) to UMBC for Spring 2016.  Before our entre programs, events and competitions begin, I just...

Posted: February 3, 2016, 8:22 AM

Welcome Sahar!!

ABCE has a new intern!

Hope everyone had a great holiday and is spending the last couple weeks of break relaxing!  I am excited (and a little sad) to say that this will be my last post as the marketing intern! It has...

Posted: January 12, 2016, 1:53 PM