Entrepreneurship Minor

The Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation consists of 18 credits – 2 core courses ( 3 credits each) and 4 elective courses (3 credits each). Six credits must be at the 300 or 400 level.

Click here for the Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Worksheet.

We are excited to announce a new focus in Arts Entrepreneurship. Click here to learn more!

For more information about enrolling in the ENTR Minor please click here to be directed to the Registrar’s website.

Ready to declare?
Click here to download the form and follow the instructions to submit it to the Registrar.

*CORE COURSES [Required, 6 credits]*

*ENTR 200*  Introduction to Entrepreneurship

This course will provide an overview of the basic concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation focusing on the nature, environment, and risks of new venture formation. Topics include the entrepreneurial mindset, opportunity recognition, market assessment, social need, feasibility plan, and structure, costs, and sustainability.

*ENTR 201*   The Entrepreneurial Mindset

An introductory course explaining entrepreneurial and innovative thinking. The course encourages the development of personal attributes that foster creative thinking among students from all majors. The course introduces students to the attributes of thinking like an innovative entrepreneur, and guides them, using real-life problems, to acquire personal attributes shared by successful social innovators and business entrepreneurs.

ELECTIVE COURSES TO DATE (More to be added as approved):

The remaining elective courses (12 credits)* may be selected from below:

Course Number Course Name

AFST 385            Problem Solving in the Urban Black Community

AGING 361/IS 361 Technology for Management Aging Services

AMST 422           Preserving Places, Making Spaces in Baltimore

ART 339              Design Thinking Methods

ART 341              Introduction to Animation

ART 427              Museum Practice

ART 485              Team Based Game Development

ART 489              Senior Projects

BIOL 412             Microbial Systems and Synthetic Biology – Advanced Topics in Cell Biology

BIOL 414             Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics

BIOL 415             Systems Biology

BIOL 421             Topics in Molecular Genetics

BIOL 422L/BIOL 622L+BIOL 499 Microscopy and Imaging Techniques + one credit Independent Study

BIO 444              Development and Cancer

BIOL 453            Physiological Bases of Behavior

CHEM 311L        Advanced Laboratory I

CHEM 405L        Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

CMPE 349          Introduction to Professional Practice

CMPE 450          Capstone I

CMPE 451          Capstone II

CMSC 447         Software Engineering

CMSC 478         Intro to Machine Learning

CMSC 493         Capstone Games Group Project

DANC 475         Senior Projects in Dance

ECEP 405           Global Engineering

ECON 101          Principles of Microeconomics

ECON 121          Principles of Accounting I

ECON 122          Principles of Accounting II  – Managerial Accounting

ECON 374          Financial Management

ECON 408          Managerial Economics

ECON 418          The Economics of Innovation and Technology

ECON 467          Health Economics

ECON 476          Portfolio Analysis & Mgmt

ECON 479          Venture Capital and Capital Market Imperfections

ECON 482          International Finance

ENCH 225L        Chemical Engineering Problem Solving and Experimental Design Lab

ENCH 486          A Survey of Sensors & Instrumentation

ENME 204          Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design with CAD

ENME 444          Mechanical Engineering Systems Design Capstone

ENTR 300           Internship

ENTR 320           Entrepreneurial Marketing

ENTR 330           Entrepreneurial Financing

ENTR 340           Innovation, Creative Problem-Solving and the Socialpreneur

ENTR 450           Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs

FINC 150             Financial Literacy

FYS 102              Creativity, Innovation and Invention

GWST 200          Studies in Feminist Activism

HIST 206            Themes in World History: Entrepreneurship in the Early Modern World

(formerly HIST 200)

HIST 311             American Entrepreneurs from Columbus to Jobs

HIST 411             Service Learning in Public History

INDS 430           Kinetic Sculpture Project

IS 320                Advanced Business Applications

IS 420                Database Application Development

IS 428                Data Mining Techniques & Application

IS 448                Markup and Scripting Languages

IS 474                Technology Law

MATH 441          Introduction to Numerical Analysis

MCS 355            Social Media:  Networking and Mobility

MCS 377            Desktop Publishing and the Web

MGMT 210         The Practice of Management

MGMT 310         Human Resource Management

PBHL/SOCY 354 Social Bases of Public and Community Health

THTR 345           Auditioning and the Business of Acting

THTR 460           Theatre Capstone

NOTE:  The following courses have been approved as electives in the past but are currently not being offered.  If they are offered in the future they will be relisted and counted toward the ENTR Minor.

  • AMST/POLI/SOCI 205 – Civic Agency and Social Entrepreneurship
  • ART 322 – Social Entrepreneurship in Place
  • ART 339 – Design Thinking for the Social Entrepreneur
  • ART 462 – Entrepreneurial Practices in Photography
  • BIOL 306L – Projects in Synthetic Molecular Biology
  • MUSC 323 – Career Development for Musicians

For more information, contact George Karabatis at georgek@umbc.edu or Vivian Armor at armor@umbc.edu