
ENTR Speaker Series: Entrepreneurs Discussion Panel

Join us this Monday, November 9th for Alumni Panel!

Date: November 9, 2020   Time:  12 - 1pm Location:  This Speaker Series will be held virtually.  To access go to:  Body:...

Posted: November 3, 2020, 11:15 AM

November 18th workshop with John Kirby POSTPONED

Event to take place in the Spring of 2021

The Alex. Brown Center will be postponing the  “Fundraising for Early Stage Startups” workshop until the Spring of 2021.  We understand that this is a busy time of the semester for everyone, and...

Posted: October 30, 2020, 10:09 AM

NEW- Innovators of Progress Scholarship Opportunity!

Up to $1,500 per semester!

Calling all Retriever Entrepreneurs! The Innovators of Progress Scholarship Program is back, and better than ever! This program is provided by Markus Proctor, a generous UMBC alumni...

Posted: October 27, 2020, 5:51 PM

ENTR Workshop Opportunities and Resources for Entrepreneurs

Come join us with Pava LaPere Tomorrow 12pm-1pm!

Date: October 26, 2020   Time:  12 - 1pm Location:  This workshop will be held virtually.  To access go to:   Come...

Posted: October 25, 2020, 6:26 PM

University of Maryland offering ENTR course to UMBC students

Earn 2 Credits online this Spring with IDEA 430

Attention all students: Are you struggling to choose what courses you should take in Spring 2021?  Are you worried your course load is too heavy or too light?  We have your solution! ...

Posted: October 23, 2020, 1:18 PM

ENTR Speaker Series with Sankarshan Murthy TODAY!

Live demonstration of pull-down furniture!

Date:  TODAY October 21 - 12 - 1pm Location:  This workshop will be held virtually.  To access go to:  Come see a live...

Posted: October 21, 2020, 9:00 AM

ENTR Speaker Series with Sankarshan Murthy TOMORROW!

Live demonstration of pull-down furniture!

Date:  October 21 - 12 - 1pm Location:  This workshop will be held virtually.  To access go to:   Come see a live...

Posted: October 20, 2020, 10:24 AM

ENTR Speaker Series with Sankarshan Murthy this week!

Learn About Creating a Tech Business in a Traditional World!

Speaker:  Sankarshan Murthy  Date:  October 21 - 12 - 1pm Location:  This workshop will be held virtually.  To access go to:...

Posted: October 14, 2020, 10:42 AM

Sign up to hear Entrepreneur Marla Beck!

Join us this Thursday for a virtual event!

Calling ALL Retriever Entrepreneurs!  The Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship has partnered with The Universities at Shady Grove Entrepreneurship Lab for this semester’s events!  They have...

Posted: October 12, 2020, 4:56 PM