Welcome Back UMBC Entrepreneurs!
We hope you had your fill of sunshine, mojitos and laid-back afternoons because the Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship has a full semester of workshops and events booked to give you the entrepreneurial-inside-scoop from every angle possible.
Are you a technologist looking for the how-tos to breaking it in the security field? We’ve got something for you.
Are you a total maverick that’s trying to live an independent fulfilled life but need proof that it’s possible? We’ve got something for you too.
Do you already know everything but need a little guidance and inspiration? We’ve even got something for you.
We are so excited to be kicking off Fall 2017 with some very influential guests, as well as some new resources and opportunities to send your way—so stay tuned, turn on your email notifications, and keep checking in so you don’t miss out on anything.
Also, don’t forget to check out the details on this semester’s annual Idea Competition. Submissions are due by October 12th, so we encourage you to start applying now!
A list of our semester workshops and speaker series are listed below, as well as attached at the bottom.
The Killer Business Plan
Neil Davis
Monday, Oct 2 - 12 - 1PM at The Commons 329
How “Not” to Hire Your First 10 Employees
Yair Flicker
Monday, Oct 9 - 12 - 1PM at The Commons 329
Getting Beyond Better: The Entrepreneur’s Role in Saving Society
Scott Townsley
Wednesday, Nov 15 - 12 - 1PM at The Commons 318
Experiences and Lessons Learned Building Software Companies
Ron and Cyndi Gula
Wednesday, Sep 27 - 12 - 1PM UC 310
The Business (and Reality) of Starting Up
Brad Smith
Monday, Oct 16 - 12 - 1PM UC 310
Entrepreneurs Panel
Monday, Nov 20 - 12 - 1PM UC 310
Application Deadline: October 12th at 1 pm
Competition Date: November 16th in The Commons SportZone from 7pm to 9pm
Posted: September 5, 2017, 8:50 AM