LightCityU is looking for Volunteers!
Volunteer for Light City Baltimore b/w March 28 - April 3!
The International Light City Festival is coming to Baltimore for the first time ever!
The week-long LightCityU will take place between March 28 - April 3 throughout the city of Baltimore. The week will be filled with concerts, art showcases, conferences, key-note speakers, workshops and of course, lights!
This year, UMBC is sponsoring the LightCityU conferences, and President Freeman Hrabowski will be a keynote speaker during the Social Innovation conference.
If you're interested in volunteering (free meals included) and would like to be a part of something amazing, please contact Thomas Moore at
To review the LightCityU schedule click here.
About LightCityU:
In 1816, Baltimore was the first American city to illuminate its streets with gas lanterns, revolutionizing the urban landscape forever by transforming the city with light.
200 years later, Light City Baltimore -- a festival of art, music and innovation -- will paint Baltimore with light, and illuminate the world with ideas from the brightest thinkers.
Premiering in 2016, Light City Baltimore is the first large-scale international light festival in the United States, homegrown right here in Baltimore. Light City will provide a backdrop for the celebration of ideas, ingenuity and creativity through art, music and innovation.
Light City will shine a light on Baltimore's abundance of creative, cutting-edge, multi-disciplinary talent, and we welcome participants from across the globe to join us.
Light City's innovation program will generate an ecosystem of ideas and learning during the day --while lights, performances and live music re-imagine the Inner Harbor at night. Festival is open from 7pm-11pm March 28 - March 31, 7pm-12am April 1-April 2, and 7pm-11pm on April 3.
Posted: February 19, 2016, 10:00 AM