REMINDER: How to Spot a Good Deal is one week away!
Fall 2015 entreSpace Workshop with Rob Baruch
The third ENTR Workshop is in just one week! This workshop will feature Rob Baruch leading a discussion on How to Spot a Good Deal.
This workshop will be held on October 28 at 12:00 pm in entreSpace, located in Academic Services, room 139.
Event Description:
Entrepreneurs are faced with many opportunities for their business. They will encounter people who want to partner with them and/or want to invest in them. When these opportunities arise, it's important to keep a level head. The idea for this workshop is to teach you about strategic thinking combined with ideation. It's important to align yourself with the people and businesses that are in line with your company's goals and values.
About Rob: Rob Baruch was the founder and former President and CEO of RABA Technologies, LLC . Rob has spent his career leading a great diversity of initiatives in information technology and engineering. He has strong technical and management experience in disciplines such as robotics, biomedical engineering, telecommunications, software methodologies, software product development, and management consulting. Rob holds a Master of Science in Computer Science from the Johns Hopkins University and received his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Posted: October 20, 2015, 1:36 PM