REMINDER: Social Media Networking is one week away!
Fall 2015 entreSpace Workshop with Stephen Riddle
Welcome back entrepreneurs!
We are kick off the semester with an awesome Workshop involving networking and social media! Come join us in one week to hear Stephen Riddle lead a discussion on how social media networking could make or break your business.
This workshop will be held on September 23 at 12:00 pm in entreSpace, located in Academic Services, room 139.
Event Description:
Everybody talks about social media marketing nowadays, but what is it really? And how can it help you grow your business? There are so many platforms to choose from, how do you know the best one(s) to use? And what exactly does a social media campaign look like? Come to this session and find out! You'll also get a resource sheet to take home with you.
About Stephen: Stephen Riddle is the Founder of Enigmas Edge Design, LLC, an exercise equipment business. He started his Dipgrips project a few years ago. When he thought of the idea, he didn't want it to just be a story he told his kids. He wanted it to become a reality, so he went after his dream! After a lot of learning, sacrificing, sleepless nights, anxiety, excitement, failures and successes, he brought his project to market last May. He reaches his customers through social media marketing exclusively. Facebook ads have been his weapon of choice so far. He's excited to show you what he's learned through his business.
Posted: September 16, 2015, 9:28 AM