REMINDER: When Challenges Arise Entrs Step In is 1 week away
Entrepreneurial Speaker Series with Nina Beth Cardin
Don't forget that the first Speaker Series of Spring 2015 is one week away!
Nina Beth Cardin, founder and director of The Baltimore Orchard Project (BOP), will be speaking to members of the UMBC community about BOP and how UMBC's Garden Project is getting involved.
“Every age faces challenges….some not easily resolved, but, unfortunately, often easily ignored as we wait (and hope) for others to address them. Right now in Baltimore there are people who are hungry and there are food deserts where people don't have access to healthy food. So what can be done and who should do it? When challenges arise, that's when entrepreneurs step in…and that's how social entrepreneur Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin decided to start The Baltimore Orchard Project(BOP).
The BOP is a diverse group of people who have joined together to grow, glean and give away fresh, healthy, local fruit to those in need in the neighborhoods of Baltimore. They bring together their knowledge, passion, and resources to turn waste into abundance. They glean fruit from trees in their yards, streets and civic places, fruit that would otherwise go to waste, and they distribute it to those in need. They partner with individuals and organizations in their community to plant trees, orchards and food forests (fruit trees, berry bushes and grapevines) on land that can provide a benefit to our neighbors, our towns, our children and ourselves, today and tomorrow.“
This Speaker Series will be help on March 4 at 12:00pm in Commons 331.
Posted: February 25, 2015, 8:07 PM