Fall Workshops...give us your input
entreSpace is here for you, tell us what you'd love to learn
As you know entreSpace opened up last semester and has been being used by a number of student entrepreneurs to help prepare for the Idea Competition and get their businesses off the ground.
This semester we plan to bring you a number of great workshops, but we need your input. We've been accepting topics from some local entrepreneurs during the summer and have narrowed it down to what we think are the best.
Now, it's up to you to vote. Tell us your top 5 workshops you'd like to see. We will then select the highest 3 or 4 to host during the fall.
You'll need to login via your UMBC email address.
We'll be accepting results through Friday, September 12.
Thanks in advance and make sure you stop by entreSpace, it's in the old theater building room 139.
Posted: September 9, 2014, 7:22 PM