Upcoming Classes - Fall 2014
It's time to register...take a class you'll love & learn!
Hello all. We have reached that point in the semester once again where you have to consider what you want to enroll in for the Fall. Below is a list of the classes that will be available.
If you are interested in the Minor, the first three classes are a must!
Jason Pappas, a serial entrepreneur that has begun more than 10 companies, will be teaching a section of ENTR 200 (Intro to Entrepreneurship). Based on our conversations, I can ensure you it is a class that will be well worth your time.
Gib Mason...all I can say, take his class! You won't regret it. Livin' the Dream!
This class will teach you HOW to think as an entrepreneur and to evaluate problems from a multitude of perspectives.
Finally, Dr. David Hoffman (Assistant Director of Student Life--Civic Agency) and Delana Gregg (Honors College) have been teaching this class for the past few years. You will learn a lot about what it takes to get a social project, non-profit, or civic movement launched, managed, and how to set yourself up for success.
ENTR Minor - Core Classes
ENTR 200 Introduction to Entrepreneurship - Jason Pappas
ENTR 201 The Entrepreneurial Mindset - Gib Mason
POLI /AMST/SOCI 205 Civic Agency and Social Entrepreneurship - Delana
Gregg and David Hoffman
ENTR 300 INTERNSHIP - by permission only
Electives approved for the ENTR Minor that will be offered this fall:
ART 361 Digital Darkroom - Calla Thompson
CHEM 405L Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory - Marie-Christine Onuta
ECON 476 Portfolio Analysis and Management - Chunming Yuan
ENME 204 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design with CAD - Soobum
ENME 444 Mechanical Engineering Systems Design Capstone - Neil Rothman
ENME 489 - sections taught by Markus Zupan , Neil Rothman
FYS 102 Creativity, Innovation and Invention - Gib Mason
HAPP/SOCY 354 Social Bases of Public and Community Health - Andrea Kalfoglou
IS 420 Database Application Development - George Karabatis
IS 448 Markup and Scripting Languages - Sreedevi Sampath
MGMT 210 The Practice of Management - All sections - Vivian Armor,
Suzanne Frock, Richard Sponaugle, and Robert Fleischman
MGMT 310 Human Resource Management - Patricia Sadler
Posted: April 7, 2014, 5:26 PM