Entrespace Open for use!
Come one, come all entrepreneurial students to your new home
I know it has been a long time in the making, but we are happy to announce that Entrespace is now officially open and ready for use.
For those that don't know about Entrespace, it is a space for UMBC students interested in entrepreneurial learning, collaborating, and networking.
While the space isn't completely ready, in the heart of entrepreneurship, we are launching it a little early to see how we will use it and how best we can improve. Of course, there are a few rules for it's use:
- We need to show that the space is being used, otherwise we could loose it. Please don't hold the door open for people.
- You don't need/want us to clean up after you. We're all responsible enough to pick up after ourselves.
- We built this space to work on entrepreneurial projects. This space is meant for that use, and while no one has issue with people hanging out there, don't turn it into the RLC.
- If you see people being crazy, ask them to leave. I know this is easier said than done, and no one wants to be that guy/gal, but this space is being given to us for a specific use by the college. If it isn't being used for that reason, it can be taken away.
Ok, now onto the good stuff.
Where to find it?
In the old theater building, also called the Academic Services Building. Walk in the door closest to the Commons Garage, walk down the hall past the theater entrance and turn left. Walk all the way down the hall, through a door, and you will see it at the end. Room 139.
It's easier than it sounds.
When is it open?
Monday - Friday 8 am - 11 pm.
What to Expect in the future?
The official opening of the space will be within the next month and will be a huge grand opening celebration. The date hasn't been confirmed, we'll let you know when it is.
Throughout this semester, in addition to the Entrepreneurial Speaker Series, we will be hosting some local movers and shakers to provide our community with training in specific areas and topics. This is where you come in. Feel free to let us know if there is a topic that you are interested in learning about or if you have people that would be interested in speaking. Obviously we will need more than one person interested to make it worth while.
I know that some of the entrepreneurial teachers will be having their office hours in Entrespace throughout the semester as well. If you don't know them all yet, I'd encourage you to do so.
Questions, comments...do so below.
Posted: February 5, 2014, 12:44 PM