How NOT to Hire Your First 10 Employees Next Week!
Yair Flicker next week—Wed OCT 9, 12-1pm Commons 329
Join us for our second workshop of the semester, next week—October 9th from noon to 1 pm in The Commons 329—to speak with and learn from Yair Flicker as he shares his “Lessons from the Trenches”....
Posted: October 2, 2017, 9:20 AM

Lessons Learned Building Software Companies is Tomorrow!
Ron and Cyndi Gula tomorrow—Wed SEP 27, 12-1pm UC 310
Tomorrow is the day--our first Speaker Series of the semester. Join us tomorrow--September 27th from noon to 1 pm in University Center 310—with some very special guests, Ron and Cyndi Gula. The...
Posted: September 26, 2017, 1:59 PM

The Killer Business Plan is Next Week!
Neil Davis next week—Mon OCT 2, 12-1pm Commons 329
Our first workshop of the semester in only one week from today--October 2nd from noon to 1 pm in The Commons room 329--and you will not want to miss it. Neil Davis will join us to talk about one...
Posted: September 25, 2017, 11:13 AM

Lessons Learned Building Software Companies is Next Week!
Ron and Cyndi Gula next week—Wed SEP 27, 12-1pm UC 310
We’re kicking off our first Speaker Series of the semester one week from today September 27th from noon to 1 pm in University Center 310—with some very special guests. Ron and Cyndi Gula, most...
Posted: September 20, 2017, 9:28 AM

KPCB Engineering Fellows Program Accepting Applications!
Fellowship Applications for Technical Students due by Sep 30
The KPCB Fellows Program is a unique, career-defining opportunity for technical students who are interested in pursuing technology, entrepreneurship, design and startups. With a portfolio of some...
Posted: September 18, 2017, 9:35 AM
Eisenberg Scholarship Will Award $500 to Entr Student
Applications for scholarships are due by September 29
Are you a UMBC student working hard towards your degree and an entrepreneurial venture? Would you like some recognition for going above and beyond? The Eisenberg Scholarship is our way of showing...
Posted: September 13, 2017, 3:02 PM
Annual Idea Competition Applications are Due in a Month!
ABCE is accepting submissions for Idea Comp--win $750!
GOT IDEAS? LET’S HEAR THEM! Share them with us and you might win $750! Keep reading to learn how your brilliant idea can win you some cash! The annual UMBC Idea competition is designed to...
Posted: September 11, 2017, 2:43 PM

Welcome Back UMBC Entrepreneurs!
We hope you had your fill of sunshine, mojitos and laid-back afternoons because the Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship has a full semester of workshops and events booked to give you the...
Posted: September 5, 2017, 8:50 AM

Paid Internships Available w/a Nonprofits and Start-ups
Deadline to Apply- THIS Friday, July 28th
Are you ready to intern within a Start-up this Fall? Do you have an interest in Becoming a Nonprofit Leader? Obtain a PAID internship in a Start-up! Resumes and Cover Letters are still being...
Posted: July 24, 2017, 10:29 AM

2017 CBIC Winners Announced!
UMBC's entrepreneurial students amaze yet again at CBIC 2017
On Wednesday, April 26th, the Library Gallery was teaming with supporters who turned out for the fourth annual Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition (CBIC). Made possible by a generous gift...
Posted: May 1, 2017, 5:23 PM

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