
TODAY: UMBC Pitch Day! 7:00-9:00pm Sherman Hall 006

Share your ideas. Meet cofounders.

A message from the Entrepreneurship group on campus! Students around campus, Today is UMBC PitchDay from Entrepreneurs Student Org! PitchDay is an informal relaxed event where students can...

Posted: March 5, 2020, 11:47 AM

TODAY! Hungry Harvest CEO -- Evan Lutz!

12-1pm at Lecture Hall 1 -- DON'T MISS OUT!

A University of Maryland alumni, come listen to Evan discuss his journey from being an ambitious college student who was passionate about purpose-driven business, to starting & growing a...

Posted: March 4, 2020, 9:25 AM

Speaker Series: Hungry Harvest TOMORROW!

Please join us and listen to CEO Evan Lutz! 12-1pm @ L.H 1

Come listen to Evan discuss his journey from being an ambitious college student who was passionate about purpose-driven business, to starting & growing a business that has 60 employees and has...

Posted: March 3, 2020, 11:15 AM

Hungry Harvest CEO to speak Wednesday 3/4

Lecture Hall 1 from 12-1pm

Come listen to Evan discuss his journey from being an ambitious college student who was passionate about purpose-driven business, to starting & growing a business that has 60 employees and has...

Posted: March 2, 2020, 12:09 PM

New Fall 2020 Course Promotes Financial Literacy & CBIC 3/9!

FINC 150 taught by Dr. Douglas Lambdin & CBIC due 3/9 @1pm!

Hello Retrievers! UMBC has just announced a new course that will be offered next fall. It will be called FINC 150 (Financial Literacy), and will be taught by Dr. Douglas Lambdin who has taught...

Posted: February 28, 2020, 5:36 PM

First Workshop WEDNESDAY with Jason Pappas!

12-1 pm @ U.C 115

In this workshop, you will learn the elements of how organizations are valued and the key drivers of increasing enterprise value in companies. We will discuss several different valuation methods...

Posted: February 24, 2020, 9:56 AM

One week from our first workshop!

Estimating & Building Company Value @12-1pm UC 115D

In this workshop, you will learn the elements of how organizations are valued and the key drivers of increasing enterprise value in companies. We will discuss several different valuation methods...

Posted: February 19, 2020, 5:20 PM

Pre-launch checklists for Entrepreneurs TODAY

Today in ITE 238 @12pm!

Entrepreneurs Student Org. presents "Pre Launch Checklists for Entrepreneurs". From the first idea to the day before launch, this session will take entrepreneurs through everything they need to...

Posted: February 19, 2020, 8:06 AM

CBIC Application due March 9th

Less than one month until its due!

Hello Retrievers,  Just a friendly reminder that the CBIC application is due in less than one month from now! Be sure to get in your application by March 9th, @1pm! Click here for the...

Posted: February 10, 2020, 11:33 AM

A Message from the UMBC Entrepreneurs Group

How can you stay connected with other Entrepreneurs?!

*A message from the Entrepreneurs Student Org. Executive Board* This semester Entrepreneurs Student Org. is trying a new system of keeping entrepreneurs around campus engaged with the...

Posted: February 9, 2020, 9:03 AM