Social Media: What Every Entrepreneur Should Know and Do
Patrick Rife—Wed April 11, 12-1 UC 115
University Center : 115
Date & Time
April 11, 2018, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Join us for the final workshop of the
semester— April 11th from noon to 1 pm in University
Center 115. Patrick Rife will be joining us to share his take on Social
Media and entrepreneurship, backed by some serious social savvy expertise. To
save your time, money and energy, he’ll be breaking down what works and what
doesn’t. If the topic isn’t enough to interest you into coming, his electric
personality will be! Have your lunch with us next week—we can’t wait!
About Event
This talk will be a treatise on Original Sin:
What Every Entrepreneur Should Know and
Do (and also not do, because there's a TON of stuff that you just don't need to do...even though everyone says so,
they're WRONG)! This talk will
focus on lessons from the trenches...come learn about what REALLY works!
About Jason
Patrick Rife is the CVO and Co-Founder at Pixilated, a photography technology platform masquerading as a photo booth company. We blend cutting edge technology, savvy marketing techniques, and rich photo-driven activations to create memorable, engaging experiences for brands at events and in their bricks and mortar locations. Pixilated builds photo kiosks powered by our software platform that produce user-generated content & data to drive social media and digital marketing. Patrick is a proud UMBC alum, a gemini, a musician, a father and pretty tall too. He is also super nice so you should come talk to him!